Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter to the Coach

123 Main Street
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

May 16, 2011

Mr. Kleats
Soccer Coach
123 Main Street,
Sportstown, British Columbia
V2A 3W1

Dear Mr. Kleats:

My name is Jacob Hollenbeck; I am the father of Richard Hollenbeck. I have recognized and appreciate your time and dedication you put in with our children. I do realize that like most parents you have a busy life but and on behalf of myself and the other parents I do have a few concerns I would like to address to you.

I attend my sons practices and games regularly and I can’t help but notice that you tend to arrive to practice late. Also once you arrive and practice has started it seems to me that you come unprepared because the practices seem unorganized. Another concern I have is that even though my son gets a lot of playing time, being your star player, I have realized that there are several boys that do not get very much playing time, including your son. Not to mention the select few that do not receive any time on the field during games. One last concern is your emphasis on winning. Yes it is fun for both the players and coach to win every game but the boys are only 11 and I believe it isn't all about winning.

Noticing that you are a busy parent with work and such me and the other parents have come up with some solutions that you may consider in helping you out with coaching. Perhaps you could assign an assistant coach that gets off work early enough to prepare a structured practice and be able to arrive to practice on time and have the kids started with a warm up. I do think that if the boys have well planned practices that you may not need to overplay the star players and some of the weaker boys may get some valuable playing time and the winning may still come. It would be great if you could reply with who you may want to assist you as coach and what else you have to say about our concerns and any other way you think we could help you out.


Jacob Hollenbeck

Monday, May 9, 2011

School teaches great work habits

School is school in an essence of itself with the inner deep thought of children growing old in a society where the government conforms you into a sophisticated individual that has no "out of the box thinking" but a mere "somebody" who grabs a pen, writes, and is finished with no recollection of the assignment or task. Therefore learning nothing but to copy.

School is the hardest phase any one has to go through in life. High school teaches very good work habits and life skills to prepare students for post secondary education and the outside world. That’s why when kids graduate and go into high school the average student’s grade decreases on an average of 20-30% and 20% of first year college students end up dropping out. Learning the special techniques of how to perfectly copy Sahils work and to make it look and sound slightly different but still getting a 100%. Getting your homework in on time is like asking Darren Hogg to show up to class, not worth the time. To bad this doesn’t fly in college. Teachers who allow students to send and receive text messages in class contribute to the 3000 texts per month while they are mainly in classes at school for the majority of their day. This a great way to teach kids English writing and allowing them to develop a professional education in speaking slang. Blog assignments are the primary reason why so many students are well prepared and ready for college-level reading. Its a good thing high school prepares us for after-graduation as much as it does.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Black and White

After a long, treacherous day at work Phillip comes home only to find his wife already in bed and with a very impassive expression. Phillip not being in the mood to deal with whatever he has done to damage his marriage this time, he casually snags the daily newspaper in hope of dodging the dreaded conversation with his wife.

"Put down that damn newspaper," exclaimed Rasista, "we need to talk."

"Phillip replied, "Not right now, I have had a long hard day at work and I'm hungry. Can you make me a late night dinner sweaty?”

"Who do you think I am? I'm your wife not your servant. I've had a hard day to you know! But you wouldn't care; you don't even care about this marriage anymore do you."

"Honey, I love you but I’m hungry and I don't want to stop reading this. There’s a once in a life time sale that I've been waiting for, due to the depression!"

"If you do not acknowledge there is a problem, then there is no way we can find a solution," remarked Rasista, "you have not been hard at work, you were laid off i saw the letter from you ex-boss. In fact I know what you have been doing."

"Oh you have seen that have you. I just didn't know how to tell you, I knew it would have crushed you and you would have worried to much about it. I have done nothing bad besides that," stated Phillip in his defense.

Rasista responds, "I have a strong gut feeling that you have been cheating on me. My friend next door says she sees you park your car just down the street in the back alley behind Trisha's house"

"Honey, how can you even assume that? I would never cheat on you. I know we have had our struggles but that is absurd! I can’t believe you would even think that. I am sleeping on the couch tonight. Goodnight." Phillip grumbled.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Princess Margaret Bully Free?

"Princess Margaret Secondary School of roughly 750 students is considered bully free," expresses Darren Hogg of grade 12. Princess Margaret Secondary school is well known for being called Maggie for short and is located in the center of the beautiful Okanogan. Gage Buchanan says, "The location of our school plays a big part in keeping our precious school bully free and a great environment." "Maggie is a very high pride school and we fully support all of out sports teams and local fundraising events." "The Okanogan is so nice and an awesome place to live and it seems that everyone is always so happy and caring for others so there is no need for bullying." Although what Gage has commented for us is true, it is a new world and bullying has evolved into different types. Bullying has always been around and it will never go away.
The way technology has grown, it has changed the ways of bullying. There is still bullying but it has been going on for so long and has been such a problem that it has become more socially acceptable such as teasing. Also students are getting smarter and the internet is more widely used now then ever before. Now with social networks and chat sites such as face book and MSN, the biggest bullying problem now is cyber bullying. A tremendous contributor is cell phones. Every student now starting in grade 9-12 has their very own cell phone and with face book and updated technology makes it is so easy to get a hold of someone’s cell phone number. Bullying is now harder to recognize because it isn’t physically happening in front of us anymore and the only people that may know about the bullying problem is the bully, the victim and if the victim is brave, smart enough he will have let either his parents or a counselor or both know what’s going on.
"Maggie is such a great school, I love it here. The student body has a great mixture of people and I know from self enrollment that my grad class is very close and if there is any bullying going on in any of the grades, the grade 12's will have something to say and do about it. You just don’t see it happening anymore." says Greg Stephens, "Now we just hear about it and it’s hard to stop it." "Telling the teachers has never worked for any of my victims. They just tell the little sucker to stand up to me, but look at me, I mean I’m jacked why do you think I abuse all my power? It’s because I can. I only bully the kids that I see bullying other kids. I teach them a lesson that’s why there is no such visible bullying issue in our school."

Monday, February 7, 2011

I never had guardians. I never had navigation. I never had domestication. My parents left me when I left my mom. Within days of being born I was on my feet

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grade 12: Jungle Gym

High school is like getting lost in a jungle, you enter scared for your life and you leave with accomplishment. Grade nine is the initial part of feeling lost, scared for your life and intimidated. Grade twelve's being at the top of the food chain, look like angry gorillas and tigers to you. You just stay away from them at all times. Moving up the food chain you gain confidence and the grade twelve's become less as intimidating, you start to feel like there is a slim chance of making it out of this crazy place alive. You are always surrounded and tempted into making bad decisions and you have to avoid and you have to avoid the temptation of the delicious looking mushrooms growing all around you. After three years of ups and downs, you hit the final stretch. Grade twelve is such an awesome feeling. You feel like you're going to make it out alive, the end is near. There are very few decisions and paths left for you to make, but these decisions are the biggest decisions that you have faced. Some which decide life or death and others can ruin your life. Graduating from high school is like conquering the jungle. You survived the bottom of the food chain and earned your rankings moving to the top. Graduating may feel like the end but it is only the beginning.