Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Black and White

After a long, treacherous day at work Phillip comes home only to find his wife already in bed and with a very impassive expression. Phillip not being in the mood to deal with whatever he has done to damage his marriage this time, he casually snags the daily newspaper in hope of dodging the dreaded conversation with his wife.

"Put down that damn newspaper," exclaimed Rasista, "we need to talk."

"Phillip replied, "Not right now, I have had a long hard day at work and I'm hungry. Can you make me a late night dinner sweaty?”

"Who do you think I am? I'm your wife not your servant. I've had a hard day to you know! But you wouldn't care; you don't even care about this marriage anymore do you."

"Honey, I love you but I’m hungry and I don't want to stop reading this. There’s a once in a life time sale that I've been waiting for, due to the depression!"

"If you do not acknowledge there is a problem, then there is no way we can find a solution," remarked Rasista, "you have not been hard at work, you were laid off i saw the letter from you ex-boss. In fact I know what you have been doing."

"Oh you have seen that have you. I just didn't know how to tell you, I knew it would have crushed you and you would have worried to much about it. I have done nothing bad besides that," stated Phillip in his defense.

Rasista responds, "I have a strong gut feeling that you have been cheating on me. My friend next door says she sees you park your car just down the street in the back alley behind Trisha's house"

"Honey, how can you even assume that? I would never cheat on you. I know we have had our struggles but that is absurd! I can’t believe you would even think that. I am sleeping on the couch tonight. Goodnight." Phillip grumbled.


  1. 3 of 4 assignments complete. Good detail in those three. All need a bit more proofreading.
