Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grade 12: Jungle Gym

High school is like getting lost in a jungle, you enter scared for your life and you leave with accomplishment. Grade nine is the initial part of feeling lost, scared for your life and intimidated. Grade twelve's being at the top of the food chain, look like angry gorillas and tigers to you. You just stay away from them at all times. Moving up the food chain you gain confidence and the grade twelve's become less as intimidating, you start to feel like there is a slim chance of making it out of this crazy place alive. You are always surrounded and tempted into making bad decisions and you have to avoid and you have to avoid the temptation of the delicious looking mushrooms growing all around you. After three years of ups and downs, you hit the final stretch. Grade twelve is such an awesome feeling. You feel like you're going to make it out alive, the end is near. There are very few decisions and paths left for you to make, but these decisions are the biggest decisions that you have faced. Some which decide life or death and others can ruin your life. Graduating from high school is like conquering the jungle. You survived the bottom of the food chain and earned your rankings moving to the top. Graduating may feel like the end but it is only the beginning.

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